Friday, November 30, 2007

Thanksgiving and Colby's Baptism

Grandpa and I arrived Thursday morning (Thanksgiving) in Utah. Steve picked us up and took us home for Thanksgiving dinner with his family and Lorene's parents. We had 6 pies for eleven people! Yum!
Friday we went out for breakfast and drove to Clearfield Utah to see Daron & Carissa's home and family. This was the first time we'd seen Daron since he came home from the war. It was a treat. He presented us with a beautiful plaque and an actual American Flag that was flown in Afghanistan.
The plaque reads:
The United States of America and the Department of the Army on behalf of SSG Darom J. Hill, presents this flag of the United States of America to:
Mr & Mrs Dick and June Elder
For your love and support of your Grandson during his service in Afghanistan
Then we went bowling with their family. We had so much fun!
We then drove back to Steve's for Thanksgiving leftovers.
Saturday was a big day for Colby. He was baptized a member of our church. Both Grandpas and several uncles stood in the circle to confirm him a member.
Then we attended an open house for Colby at their home. Most of the family was there. (Around 40-44 people! What a hostess Lorene is!)
We had a wonderful weekend with family.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Michele made me a new scrapbook page

Michele and Dave just came by and gave me this new scrapbook page for my Grandma June's scrapbook. She is great.

Another reason she and Dave are here is I'm going to receive a blessing for my health. The doctors have found 3 masses in my breasts. 2 in the left one and one in the right. We already know one is cancer and since they have found the other two I'm going in this week to have another biopsy. The other two masses were found in a MRI last week. So Dad and I thought that I could use a blessing tonight. The doctor will call me tomorrow and set up a time for the biopsy this coming week. The Escoto's are coming and also the Humphrey's. John Humphrey is our Home teacher.

I am very grateful for family and good friends. I'll get back to you. Or maybe Dad will.

I love you all. Grandma June

Michele made me a new scrapbook page

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I love my Grandmother's book. Thank you so much Michele for your hours of work. Mom Elder

Ben Elder leaves for Utah & his mission

Now that Ben has been with us 6 months it was time to say goodbye and have him head off to Utah. Grandpa planned that one of Ben's friends fly up and then drive back with Ben so that would give him company during the long trip back to his Mom's place in Utah.

Picture above is Ben (middle) and our son Steve and our daughter in-law Lorene.

Grandpa and I have been very blessed having Ben live with us. We ate meals together, went to church together, prayed together, worked around the home together and last but not least, played together and studied together. Ben and Grandpa had so much fun bowling, by the time Ben was going back to Utah he had scored over 200 in his bowling feats. What a guy.

Before Ben left for Utah Grandpa and I (plus our Bishop and Chuck and Shelley and other ward friends) were able to attend the temple when Ben entered this sacred building for the first time. Ben thought the whole me in the temple was wonderful, Ben you were ready for the temple.

On the 6th of August Grandpa and I flew to Utah and had breakfast with Benand Annie, Dan & Angie, Carissa, Gannon & Tayley, Aaron & Girl Friend Laura.. It was a great morning for all.
Grandpa and I (with a lot of help from Rainy Ryan (grand daughter) prepared food fof a going away party at a Church building. We all enjoyed the evening talking, videos, singing, and just having fun being together. Ben had some of his friends come and also most of our extended family members who could come. Grandpa's brother Bill and his wife Renee even came for the evening.

Tuesday evening at Ben's Mothers and Trent's home Ben was set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. Very special spirit was there. Lots of pictures taken by everyone so the moment could be captured.

Wednesday the 8th of August was the day that Ben was to enter the MTC and begin his two year mission to Montevideo, Uruguay and it will mean he will learn the Spanish language at the MTC. Ben already had 3 years of Spanish in high school so he is prepared to learn more. He leaves the MTC on October 8Th to fly to Uruguay. We all love you Ben.

Grandma June's 70th birthday thrill

Hello to everyone that made my birthday of 2007 so special. I had a great week and within that week Steve and Lorene and Braxton and Mallory and Colby and Jenna and last but not least, Rock. All came to visit Grandma and Grandpa and helped make my birthday very special. On Saturday morning (the actual day of my birthday) the 14th, I was just getting ready to begin cooking pancakes, etc. for breakfasst. Steve took my hand and we strolled out to see the view and below our deck (see picture) I was favored with a birthday song, balloons, and lots of "Happy Birthday Mom and Grandma" Below singing were Chuck and Shelly and Jared and Becca Escoto (our adopted son and daughter and our two grandkids (Becca and Jared) and Michele and Dave and Joan and Michael and Kevin and Grandpa was taking pictures of all of us from our deck. Everyone came in an started cooking breakfast and large tables (brought by Michele and Shelley Escoto) and many chairs and because it was such a beautiful morning we were able to eat on our deck. Michele handed me by beautiful Grandmothers book (which consisted of pictures of all my children, and 29 Grandchildren, and 9 Great Grandchildren. I was over joyed with so many blessings for me this special day. We laughed, ate, laughed and ate. After breakfast we (those that could make it) drove to a place where Dave and Michele could get their lovely boat out and all could go for a ride. We sat and enjoyed the day watching and playing. That evening the adults went to dinner at a mexican place not to far from our home. Great fun.
Following day was Sunday and Michael and Joan and Kevin and Dave and Michele and Steve and Lorene and Braxton and Mallory and Colby and Jenna and Rock, all came to our ward. I was bursting with pride and joy, this doesn't happen to much and every moment was a treasure for me. Chuck and Shelley and Becca and Jared are in our ward so they were there close by as well. My Grandmother's book is beautiful and I hope everyone can enjoy it with me. Thank you my wonderful are the best,

Also, on the 3rd of August Karen and Alec flew up to Seattle and stay several days. Some of the time with Grandpa and me and some of the time at Dave and Michele's. Karen came for her 20th highschool reunion and enjoyed seeing many of her highschool friends.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Fathers Day 2007

Dad/Grandpa had a wonderful Fathers day and I am trying to send two pictures to you all. I will tell you it was a wonderful day for Grandpa Elder. Ben and I and Grandpa drove over to Dave and Michele's and went to their ward and we enjoyed meeting all of their friends from that ward. After church we went to D & M lovely home and had a great Fathers day feast. Grandpa opened his gifts, cards and enjoyed the whole day. Thank you all for making his day special. He loved all the calls also...Good day.

Love Grandma June

Lois Bean and Grandma June

Hi, I have been having trouble getting these pictures in my blog. Here is another try. If it works I will explain the pictures.

Well, how about that after the third try I finally got the pictures to my blog. The pictures you are looking at are of Grandma June and her buddy who passed away about 3 years ago. Her son Brian came across these pictures and sent them to me. Lois and I shared a lot of fun times together, we were in Relief Society together and we performed together in a talent show and we gave lot of parties together. So I just wanted to share these two pictures of a long time ago with my dear friend Lois.

Love Grandma June

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ben and his neat friends came to visit him.

About a week ago Ben had two of his close friends drive to Bellevue and visited with Ben for about 6 days. They drove here from West Jordan, Utah and made the drive in one day. They had a wonderful time together and Grandpa and I enjoyed having them in our home. Ben worked a nice plan of where they would like to go and what they would do while they were here. Only thing that didn't pan out was the weather. The day the boys left for camping it rained, but Grandpa and I found out later that the rain made the trip even more enjoyable for these three guys.

Their names were Trevor and Jeremy and I am sorry to say I don't have their last names. But we did get some nice pictures of them and so I'll try and attached the pictures to this blog.
One of the friends (Jeremy ) has received his mission call and he will be going to Africa in August. He will make a terrific missonary and Ben should be finishing up his paper work for his mission call this coming week and then the wait is on for the news of where Ben will be serving.

Grandpa and Ben and the two boys went bowling a couple of times and that was fun for everyone. Ben has been doing really good with his bowling. His scores sometimes have been over 200 or close to it and that brings a smile to his face.

Enjoy the pictures and thanks for taking time to read my blog.

Love and hugs, Grandma June

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mothers Day 2007

I hope all of you will feel my happiness when I tell you about my wonderful Mothers Day was and each year they keep getting better and better.

On Saturday Grandpa and Ben scrubbed our deck and then I received some lovely flowers that they bought together. I was thrilled and cleaning the deck was no easy task. Grandpa and I could tell that Ben enjoyed this chore and worked right along side of Grandpa with full intent to have our deck spotless. I love them both for this taking the time and energy to do this task that will bring a smile to me whenever I'm on our deck this summer.

On Mother's Day Michele and Dave had invited us over for dinner after our block meetings at our ward. When the three of us walked in our chapel there sat Dave and Michele and I was so happy they came to our ward for Mothers Day. I looked again and had to blink twice because there was my son Michael also sitting in the row that we usually use. Then!! I looked again and there sat Austin (grandson) and I got excited all over again. I had no idea they were coming and what a gift that was to this Mom and Grandma. So we all enjoyed our hugs and meetings and then drove over to Dave and Michele's lovely home in Convington. We also enjoyed Michele's Mother during dinner and it was fun to be with her again and also one of Michele's brothers. We did take some pictures and I will try and attach one for this blog.

I was also given phone calls from Steven and Karen and it was fun talking to them and knowing that they would of been here also if they could of. I'm grateful for Krystin who also called but missed her call due to being gone. Great weekend and I will smile everytime I think of my wonderful family.

I hope all of you had a great Mother's Day and the next time some of the family will be together will be for the blessing of Adam and Tracy's baby due June 4th and we will travel to California for the blessing and to hold our 9th Great Grand child.
I love you all and I'm so grateful for family. Love Mom/Grandma June

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Here we go...

Bowling pictures

Trying to get pictures on this blog.

Bowling with Grand Parents.

Well, I must say our grandson Ben is sure a good sport. He and Grandpa have been going bowling together about once a week now, for quite some time. I have been asked to go with them but the timing wasn't the best for Grandma. Well yesterday was good timing and we three went and had a great time. Ben wanted me to see him bowl over 200 which he did twice while bowling with Grandpa and in fact he beat Grandpa. Good for you Ben and so I went bowling but neither of us were experts in the game yesterday. So on for more practice and I'll add a few pictures of our game of bowling with the old folks and young Ben. Ben is such a good sport to want to spend time with usl...We love him dearly. Grandma June

Monday, April 30, 2007

Dave & Michele took a crusie in April 07

It was fun to hear and look at the pictures of Dave and Michele when they were over a couple of weeks ago and so they sent me two of the pictures. Here they are and they had such a good time. Quite the happy couple.

Love Grandma June

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sabbath Day and family

Hi everyone,

Grandma June just was thinking of everyone and was wondering how everyone is doing. I hope from time to time you will read my blogs and maybe send a comment or two. I especially hope you will send some pictures so I can add them the blog for others to see. I thought I was going to have new pictures of Grandpa and Ben bowling yesterday but it didn't happen. Next time. Just email me pictures and I will put them in the blog.

Here it is April 29th and it's Karen's 38th birthday and we love her so. I just sang my usual "birthday tune" to her and she laughed. I don't think anyone is to old for my birthday song, right? She was having a pretty good day and was happy we called.

Ben has finished filling out his mission papers and now all he has left to do is see a doctor and a dentist for final check ups. Calls for appointments will be done this coming week. Ben will make a "great" missionary.

More to everyone at another time. Love Grandma June

Friday, April 27, 2007

A busy day in the mission office.

Hi Family,

Grandpa and I have been pretty busy in the mission office. One reason is that our mission President will soon be going home and a new President will arrivve the first of July. Our President Pinegar wants to make things available for our new President, whose name is Craig Moffat and he is from SLC and a retired doctor.

We also have transfers every 6 weeks of missionarys going home and coming to the mission at that time. Well, in June it seemed that we were going to have 19 new Elders and Sisters come to our mission and only about 5 going home. So our President pulled some Elders and one sister from the list that was to go home in August of this year. Now these missionaries will be leaving the mission early. Lots to do to get papers, calls to make to families, travel change, and other items. Grandpa and I feel blessed that we are able to work with so many wonderful young men and women. We are so thankful.

Hope you all know we love and appreciate you. Our next trip looks like it will be to California to see our latest great grand baby when he or she is born happy and healthy. Hope to see many of you there at that time.

More later to all of you. I love you. Grandma June

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sabbath Day April 22, 2007

Sorry the Grooms picture is not clear.

Hi everyone,

I'm at it again. I am still in the process of learning and I wanted to share some fun pictures that Grandpa took during Krystal and Daniel's wedding day, which was April 13, 2007.
I also wanted to say that Ben has started to fill out his mission papers and he is really excited. Matter of fact so are we and we are thrilled for him.
Ben has been going to the Institute classes every Tuesday evening and he also goes to mission prep classes each Thursday evening. The prep class is being taught by a past Mission President who was President over part of Canada and right now I can't think of which part. His name is Hart and his name fits him to a T. I worked with Brother and Sister Hart in the Seattle temple for quite awhile. Now they are moving to Boise soon and they will be missed.

Our Relief Society lesson was all about testimony and it was taught by a young mother and my she was such a great teacher. So well prepared and our Relief Society room was filled and she didn't seem to be nervous one bit. I'm glad to have been there and was able to enjoy her lesson.
More later...Love and hugs, Grandma June Stay happy...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Trying to learn...Grandma June

I am trying to send a picture to all of you so that you can enjoy what pictures Grandpa and I receive. If you have some to send please send and I'll try to incorporate them to the blog. I'll try...Grandma June The above picture is of Rock and Jenna Elder and they are having such a good time playing with the duck hamper we sent. They have a upstaris bathroom that is all about "Ducks" and I thought this would go good in there. Maybe it might be a tab to big. Love Grandma June

Grandchildren and pictures.

I love my Grandchildren all 29 of them we have almost 9 Greats. Come the 4th of June, Adam and Tracy Elder will have their first baby. The family is very excited to find out if the baby is a boy or girl. Notice, I didn't call it an it. I could of called it Herman, right Michael?

I will attach a picture of two of my grandkids and more later of some of the others. I am waiting for wedding pictures of Krystal and Daniel and then I'll show everyone some of those.

Have a happy Saturday...I'm off to do errands.

Love Grandma June

Friday, April 20, 2007

Blessing for Ben Elder

Hi, I just wanted you all to know that this week Ben received his Patriarchal Blessing by our Stake Patriarch, Brother Bateman. The spirit was so strong and we felt so uplifted after we left.

Our week is going well. Grandpa is almost through with his virus and we are thankful for that.

Almost time to leave for the mission office. Love everyone..Grandma June

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday with Dave and Michele

Just viewed 700 pictures of Dave and Michele's trip to the Caribbean and my what beautiful pictures, they went with 3 other couples and had the time of their lives. Fun group.

Dave and Michele had dinner with us and it was fun to tell them all about our Utah trip and the beautiful wedding for Krystal and Daniel.

I'll be back. I will try and send a picture now..don't know if you are going to get it.

Love Mom June,

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Just got home

Hi, Dad and I arrived home today from our trip to Utah for Krystal and Daniel's wedding in the Bountiful temple. We had a wonderful time and the bride was beautiful (of course) and the day was filled with love and happy memories.

Michael and Joan still have 6 more to be married so many happy more times are ahead for our family.

Ben took care of things at our home front and we arrived back on Saturday the 14th to get ready for the week ahead.

I'll post more later.

Love Mom June

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Here's Steve

Here is my boy Steven when he was younger. He still is cute!

Blog for Mom!

Well, Mom is really hip. She told me tonight she wanted a blog. I didn't even know she knew what a blog was. So, I helped her set it up. Watch out world, here's my Mom! ;-)
Steve Elder